Thursday, February 9, 2012

How many Proper Nouns are in the dictionary?

I noticed "Tolkien" was a word in my computer's dictionary, and was wondering how many other Proper Nouns are big enough to be included. Please include which dictionary. (i.e., Merriam Webster, Oxford English) I'm guessing "God" is one, probably "Caesar", "Einstein", and "Tolkien", as we've seen.How many Proper Nouns are in the dictionary?
When 'god' is included, it is as a generic term. This means the if God is described as the supreme being, then this term applies to all religions. So the information the Christian,the Muslim, the atheist etc. gets is not specifically a religious definition, it is a generalisation for everybody. The same applies to caesar. The dictionary's job is to give us the general idea of what a 'caesar' would be in our present society. He is the personification of secular or military power and anyone who exercises that is a 'Caesar'.

If you want the lives of people, then you will need a different kind of dictionary; something like a collection of condensed bibliographies.How many Proper Nouns are in the dictionary?
Which brand of dictionary?

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