Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is 2010 the year Webster's Dictionary makes the word 'Conservative' a synonym for 'imbecile'?

We can only hope.

Educated people already think of "dysfunctional, religious hypocritical zealots" as well as bigots and racists when they see the word but it will be nice to make it "official". Don't you think?Is 2010 the year Webster's Dictionary makes the word 'Conservative' a synonym for 'imbecile'?
Yes, they are synonymous.

The report "Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition" cost $1.2 million and was supervised by the National Foundation as well as the National Institutes of Health. It found that conservatism is essentially a set of neuroses rooted in "fear and aggression, dogmatism and the intolerance of ambiguity".

In an article published in the highly respected peer reviewed scholarly journal "Psychological Bulletin" the authors state:

"This intolerance of ambiguity can lead people to cling to the familiar, to arrive at premature conclusions, and to impose simplistic cliches and stereotypes."
They are also going to equate Liberal = douchebagIs 2010 the year Webster's Dictionary makes the word 'Conservative' a synonym for 'imbecile'?
Too many of us Republicans are educated as well for your theory to work.

EDIT: Your religious theory does not hold water because too many of us skip church every Sunday, and too many of us hire every skin color under the sun.

You Democrats are the ones hiring minorities based on affirmative action quotas and ACLU assertions. We Republicans don't need these things to determine who is best qualified for a job.Is 2010 the year Webster's Dictionary makes the word 'Conservative' a synonym for 'imbecile'?
Fail. What are you 12?
Why does Microsoft Word say Obama is Osama?
"Educated people already think of "dysfunctional, religious hypocritical zealots" as well as bigots and racists when they see the word but it will be nice to make it "official". Don't you think?"

Educated = brainwashed lol

What you've just described is a nonsensical knee-jerk reaction to a word. Is that what liberals are proud of achieving??
Why Conservative? You do know that there are conservative democratcs and liberal republicans right? Conservative is very broad and not a party
Gays come to mind when I hear 'dysfunctional'. When I hear 'religious hypocritical zealots', I think 'intolerant left wing loons'.
Well, that's about 10 seconds I'll never get back.

So, do you think they're going to ask to use your picture?
Liberals aren't educated...that's why they voted for a Community Organizer. They actually thought that qualified him for something other than running a Denny's! Liberal will be defined in the same dictionary as, " Pious, sanctimonious sycophant drones, blindly following the first Socialist to show up on their doorstep. Anti-God, anti-American and closet racists...Liberals are most closely associated with terrorist lovers and atheists."

Liberals don't think...they don't have the capacity. Nice try though!
Nope and nope.

People are beginning to realize that conservatives have been misrepresented, lied about and demonized by limbeciles (= liberal imbeciles)... like you.

It's more likely that 2010 will be the year you'll find "limbecile," defined as "liberal imbecile," and "libiot," defined as "liberal idiot," added to dictionaries everywhere.

And your picture will be next to them.

That's what I think, thanks for asking. And thanks for my 2 points.

Have a day.

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