Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Since Obama and the Democratic Party fits the Webster definition of "Statist", why call them "Democrats"?


concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionar鈥?/a>Since Obama and the Democratic Party fits the Webster definition of "Statist", why call them "Democrats"?
That's good! These liberals don't even want to call themselves liberals - I know, they're really socialists - "Progressive" is the new term since "Liberal" is looked at negatively!
Because that also fits the Republican party.Since Obama and the Democratic Party fits the Webster definition of "Statist", why call them "Democrats"?
you should not use such small words for libs, it is below them.Since Obama and the Democratic Party fits the Webster definition of "Statist", why call them "Democrats"?
How about calling them just plain outright communists. Seems logical to me when the Governmednt is ending up owning and controlling everything.
because it sounds prettier.

but im not on republican side either. im what you might call a political party pooper. i don't trust the government or any politician... except ron paul and even ron paul is probably a puppet.

edit: i like your additional details.
Because then "statism" couldn't be used as a verb to describe Democrat politics.
because you are just making your own linkage of them to what you perceive because of your myopia.

A party is not defined by one issue and within any party there are many voices. To lump all the Dems with the socialists is just another attempt by GOP to demonize them because they are now losers. Wait another few years and the fickle populace will oust them and put GOP in power again. Whine Whine Whine.

poor bass terds.

And actually, we live in a corporate fascist state. Look up the definition of fascism and associate the corporate interest and let's talk about the real ruler that keeps both parties in subservience to the dollar and institutional corruption that is inherent in both parties.
Justin I would say something demeaning and pithy to you but your name is weak, so there is no need.
lol nice try, but nope.
The neo-conservative GOP fits the definition of Facism

And since you're no stranger to stupid, needless, endless and tiresome lies, we'll call YOU a republican.
Check you facts and proof your thought. That definition doesn't fix

Obama or the Democratic.
Learned a new word in school did we?
I think Statism has negative connotations like 'Socialism' or 'Communism', and represent a real concentration of state power that does not exist in the US. Although the US has a post office, for instance, it is privatized, and the budget comes from it's own sales.

We live in a mixed economy where private goods are by far made by the private sector.

Although some try to claim that Obama is a Statist or socialist for interfering in the Auto or Fiance industry, it is a ridiculous charge because he is doing these things only because the industry is on the verge of collapse due to a recession.
Perhaps your reading skills are faulty. That doesn't fit the Obama and the Dems anymore than it fit Bush and the GOP.

Didn't the GOP already give up the dumb idea of renaming the Dems?
Another new name for the democrats. Boys you are going to have to pick one sooner or later and stick with it.*

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